Shelf Road

This was a camping and climbing trip with the Adams brothers in southern Colorado a bit outside Colorado Springs. I took a back seat to their climbing experience and expertise, which meant I sat on rocks and upwardly observed the majority of the time. But I did strap in every now and then, and can better understand the obsession, I mean pastime.

Climbing, in my opinion, is one of the more primal activities a human can undertake. It is probably right below hunting bison to feed your starving family back at the village. You are tackling environmental elements each trip and are stuck in this competitive triad with yourself, the greater atmosphere, and the physical rock you are holding on to at all times. Similar to why people keep hiking up Mount Everest, the idea of tackling this interior and exterior challenge is irresistible to some.

Also the climbing routes have just as amusing names as Kentucky Derby contestants. A few from this trip: Flashback to Acid Beach, Village Idiot, The French Are Here, Lick My Love Pump.

We camped at Sand Gulch, which made everything accessible. Lovely spot surrounded by mountains and dry canyons on all sides.

The arsenal of cameras:

Camera: Nikon D3300 DSLR

Lens: AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm

Camera: Nikon D750 DSLR

Lens: AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm

Camera: Canon EOS M50

Lens: 15-45mm

And a good ole iPhone 6

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